Welcome to Imaginary Creatures
Take me to the ListThough I was raised on Greek gods, with influences from video games and other mediums, it opened up new cultures and new creatures. There is an ever evolving path that converges and diverges, and we could get lost in this world forever.
I started this website in the hopes of creating a list of Imaginary creatures from all over the globe, from all different cultures and countries. It is a source of information as well as research for my creatures; we are often surprised by what already exists.
And finally a disclaimer: I use the word imaginary lightly – this is so not to scare off those faint of heart. For you and I both know, that many of the creatures in this list are very much real. I will do my utmost to give you the information you need to survive an encounter with a dangerous one, but I do not advise creature hunting unless you are a trained professional.
I hope you enjoy the site.
Luke M
PhD Cryptozoology
Creature – (Place or beliefs of Origin, i.e., Norse, Greek, etc.) – [Type, i.e., God, Spirit, Humanoid, Creature] – Some instances where for example Medusa is a name as opposed the type creature I will have Medusa – {Gorgon}. So until I figure out a better key, look for the brackets.
(Origin) [Type] {Actual Creature Type when using a name} I hope that’s not too confusing. We will see how it goes.
Imaginary Creatures Beginning with A
- Á Bao A Qu (Malay)- Entity that lives at the Tower of Victory in Chitor, laying in wait on the first step
- Aatxe (Basque) – Cave dwelling spirit, usually taking the form of a bull
- Abaasy (Yakuts) – One-eyeed, one-armed, one-legged beings that ride dragons
- Abada (African) – Small type of unicorn with two crooked horns instead of one
- Äbädä (Tatar) – Forest spirit, protector of birds, trees, and animals
- Abaia (Melanesia) – Huge magical eel that protects the fish in the lake
- Abarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) – Savage humanoids with backwards feet
- Abath (Malay) – Mythical creature similar to a Unicorn
- Abominable Snowman (Himalayan) – Large ape-like creature. See also Yeti
- Abura-sumashi (Japanese) – Spirit, that surprises people on the Kusazumigoe mountain pass
- Acephali (Greek) – Headless humanoids, often with faces on their torso. Similar to: Blemmyae
- Acheri (Native American) – Spirit in the form of a little girl that brings disease
- Achlis (Roman) – Similar to an elk but with strange characteristics
- Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) – Giant birds, similar to Griffins that could understand human speech
- Adaro (Solomon Islands) – Malevolent mermen-like spirits, arising from the wicked part of a persons spirit
- Adhene (Manx) – Fairies, regarded as fallen angels, cast from heaven but too good for hell
- Adlet (Inuit) – Dog-human hybrid, with the legs of a dog and upper body of a human
- Adroanzi (Lugbara) – Nature spirits, protect people from harm unless you look over your shoulder
- Adze (Ewe People) – Vampiric being that can take the form of a firefly or human
- Aerico (Greek) – Airbourne disease demon, occasionally taking human form
- Afanc (Welsh) – Lake monster with varying description; crocodile, beaver, horse-headed or dwarf-like
- Agni (Hindu) – God of fire and sacrifice, also deity of direction
- Agathodaemon (Greek) – Spirit of vineyards and grain-fields
- Agloolik (Inuit) – Spirit that lives beneath the ice and aids fishermen and hunters
- Agogwe (East Africa) – Small ape-like human with odd facial features and fur
- Ahkiyyini (Inuit) – Skeleton spirit that plays the drums with its bones and causes shipwrecks
- Ahuizotl (Aztec) – Man-eating dog-like creature with waterproof fur that clumps into spines
- Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) – man-eating humanoids with eyes in the instep of their feet
- Aigikampoi (Etruscan) – Fish-tailed goat, similar to Capricorn
- Airavata (Hindu) – Divine white elephant with five trunks and ten tusks
- Aitu (Polynesian) – Spirits/demons, often malevolent, usually taking the form of plants or animals
- Aitvaras (Lithuanian) – Goblin that looks like a white or black rooster with a fiery tail
- Ajatar (Finnish) – Evil female spirit depicted as a dragon or as half-human half-serpent
- Akateko (Japanese) – Tree-dwelling monster, described as the red hand of a small child.
- Akhlut (Inuit) – Dangerous orca spirit that takes the form of a gigantic wolf-orca hybrid
- Akka (Finnish) – Female spirit or minor goddess – the female side of nature
- Akki (Japanese) – Wicked Oni. Large grotesque creature like a demon/troll/ogre
- Akkorokamui (Ainu) – Giant Octopus-like sea monster
- Akuma (Japanese) – Akuma means demon – an entity with a fiery head and eyes, and carrying a sword
- Akupara (Hindu) – World Turtle – a giant turtle that holds the world on its back. (Think Discworld)
- Akurojin-no-hi (Japanese) – Ghostly flame that can cause you to be gravely ill
- Al (Armenian and Persian) – Demon interfering in birth; destroying embryos & stealing babies
- Ala
- Alal
- Alan
- Alce
- Aleya
- Alicanto
- Alicorn
- Alkonost
- Allocamelus
- Almas
- Al-mi’raj
- Aloja
- Alom-bag-winno-sis
- Alp
- Alphyn
- Alp-luachra
- Al Rakim
- Alseid
- Alû
- Alux
- Amaburakosagi
- Amala
- Amamehagi
- Amanojaku
- Amarok
- Amarum
- Amazake-babaa
- Amemasu
- Ammit
- Amorōnagu
- Amphiptere
- Amphisbaena
- Anak
- Androsphinx
- Angel
- Angha
- Ani Hyuntikwalaski
- Ankou
- Anmo
- Antaeus
- Anubis
- Antero Vipunen
- Ao Ao
- Aobōzu
- Apkallu
- Apsaras
- Aqrabuamelu
- Ardat-Lili
- Argus Panoptes
- Arikura-no-baba
- Arimaspi
- Arion
- Arkan Sonney
- Asag
- Asakku
- Asanbosam
- Asena
- A-senee-ki-wakw
- Ashi-magari
- Asiman
- Askefrue
- Ask-wee-da-eed
- Asobibi
- Aspidochelone
- Asrai
- Astomi
- Aswang
- Atomy
- Ato-oi-kozō
- Atshen
- Auloniad
- Avalerion
- Awa-hon-do
- Axex
- Ayakashi
- Ayakashi-no-ayashibi
- Aziza
- Azukiarai
- Azukibabaa
- Azukitogi
Imaginary Creatures Beginning with B
Balrog – Lord of the Rings
Basilisk – (Italian) – Deadly snake-like serpent, sometimes with a head of a cockerel.
Boggart – English – Malevolent Spirit
Boggarts – Harry Potter
Djinn – AKA Jinn or Genie
Dragon (many cultures worldwide) – often winged and fire-breathing but myriad variations
Eachy (English)
Eurynomos (Greek)
Eagle Spirit
Elf (Germanic)
Faun (Roman)
Fenrir (Norse)
Gorgon (Medusa)
Hecatonchires AKA Centimanes
Jinn – Djinn or Genie
Merpeople – Mermaid / Merman
Winged Horses (Pegasus)
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